Embedding the Widget

To embed the widget into your website, follow these steps:

1. Obtain the Embed Code

  • Navigate to the Integration section in the Feedloop AI dashboard.

  • Copy the embed code provided, which includes the widget's JavaScript file and your unique authentication token.

2. Add the Embed Code to Your HTML

  • Open your website's HTML file using your content management system (CMS) or a code editor.

  • Locate the <body> tag and paste the embed code within it:

    htmlCopy code<body>
        <!-- Your website content -->
        <script src="https://storage.googleapis.com/flai/widget.min.js?token=YOUR_TOKEN_HERE"></script>

    Replace YOUR_TOKEN_HERE with the token provided in your dashboard.

3. Save and Deploy

  • Save the changes to your HTML file.

  • Deploy or upload the updated HTML file to your web server.

Last updated