API Chat
This document provides a step-by-step guide on how to use the Chat APIs (Chat Initialization, Chat History, and Chat Message) to interact with an agent. These APIs allow developers to create, manage, and maintain conversations with a chatbot integrated via Feedloop AI.
All requests to the Feedloop AI Chat APIs require an authentication token passed in the Token
Token: Retrieve this from your Feedloop AI app dashboard.
Ensure secure storage and handling of the token. for acces token you can see chat widget in section integration
Usage Workflow
Step 1: Initialize a Chat
Use the Chat Initialization API to start a conversation.
Save the returned
Step 2: Send Messages
Use the Chat Message API to send user inputs to the agent.
Receive responses in the API's response payload.
Step 3: Retrieve Chat History
Use the Chat History API to retrieve a complete log of the conversation.
List of API
Chat InitializationChat MessageChat HistoryError HandlingLast updated